Donate or sponsor a child

We gratefully accept any donations.  We are a small organisation and have no administration overheads, so 100% of any donation goes straight to the project.

We are lucky enough to be working with the Uganda Marathon Foundation, which processes and accounts for every donation made to Creative Canvas Uganda. If you are a UK taxpayer, please check the gift aid box so that we can reclaim tax on your donation too.

We also offer a school sponsorship programme. ₤40 (or $70) will put a child through school for an entire year, including a hot meal every day. This is an invaluable part of the project, and of the kids’ lives. Sponsoring a child makes an immeasurable difference to their life, and can also make a great gift to the ‘difficult to buy for’ loved ones in your life! Please contact us for details of our sponsorship programme so that we can link you up with a specific child. Remember, 100% of your money goes directly to the programme!




Thank you!

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